
contact healing for people and animals

This service is usually available any day of the week. 

In response to a number of requests over the years, I am pleased to inform you that I am now in a position to travel anywhere (both within the UK and overseas) for this purpose.

Over the past 30 years, the feedback from the vast majority of my clients is that the experience has been very uplifting, relaxing, enjoyable and brought some level of benefit or relief from the condition(s) they may be suffering. 

Clients also have the peace of mind knowing I am fully insured and work in accordance with the guidelines and code of conduct of the The National Federation of Spiritual Healers.

Each individual healing session lasts approximately 30 minutes. 

Please note that the same principles apply to both contact and distant healing for people and animals. 

Fees vary according to travel expenses and the number of people receiving healing treatment. This can be very reasonable when a bigger group of individuals can share expenses.

We accept PayPal, bank transfer or credit/debit card .

Enquiries from individuals, groups, organisations (business or otherwise). 

Hospitals and doctor’s surgeries are most welcome.